Legal Notice
Spanish tax ID: B20584033
ADDRESS: C/ Auzolan Nº2 B Bajo, 20303 Irún, Guipuzcoa, Spain
TELEPHONE: (+34) 943635271
VALVULAS ZUBI S.L., as the party responsible for this website, hereby provides Users with this document with which it aims to comply with the obligations set out in Spanish Law 34/2002 regarding Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (the LSSI-CE) and to inform all Users regarding the conditions of use of the website.
Any person who accesses this website assumes the role of a User and undertakes to observe and strictly respect the provisions set forth herein, as well as any other legal provisions that may be applicable.
VALVULAS ZUBI S.L. reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website, and is not obliged to announce any such modifications in advance or inform Users of them, with publication on the provider’s website being understood to be sufficient.
VALVULAS ZUBI S.L. shall be exempt from any type of liability derived from information published on the website if the information in question has been manipulated or added by a third party.
Cookies (Cookies Policy) may be used to perform certain functions that are considered essential for the proper functioning and display of the site. View cookies policy
VALVULAS ZUBI S.L. owns all the information contained in this website.
In accordance with the specifications of the Spanish Intellectual Property Act, any public reproduction, distribution or broadcasting of this website (which can include making all or part of its contents available) for commercial purposes in any medium and by any technical means is expressly prohibited except as authorised by VALVULAS ZUBI S.L.
The User agrees to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights held by VALVULAS ZUBI S.L.
The User shall likewise refrain from deleting, altering, circumventing or manipulating any protective feature or security system that may be installed in the Portal belonging to VALVULAS ZUBI S.L.
VALVULAS ZUBI S.L. does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Portal and the Services. When reasonably possible, it will give prior warning of any interruptions in the operation of the Portal and the Services.
VALVULAS ZUBI S.L. cannot accept any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the presence of viruses or any other elements in the contents that may cause alterations to the User’s computer system, despite having previously taken the necessary technical measures to prevent it.
VALVULAS ZUBI S.L. reserves the right to make any unannounced modification to its Portal that it deems appropriate, and may change, delete or add to both the contents and services provided through said Portal and the way in which they are represented or located within its Portal.
VALVULAS ZUBI S.L. is deeply committed to compliance with the rules regulating protection of personal data, and ensures full compliance with its obligations under Spanish Organic Law 3/2018 dated December 5 regarding Protection of Personal Data and the Guarantee of Digital Rights.
VALVULAS ZUBI S.L. hereby informs you that it complies with Spanish Law 34/2002 dated 11 July regarding Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.
Any data provided by interested parties who make contact via email or fill out a contact form will be processed by VALVULAS ZUBI S.L. Personal data will be used to respond to the requests made, which may be to request information, to register as a customer or to register as a candidate for future recruitment processes, the legal basis being the consent of the person concerned, which is granted by emailing us or accepting our privacy policy. Acceptance of our privacy policy implies your express consent to the processing of your data for the purposes described.
At any time, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, portability or limitation of processing. In order to process the request for the exercise of rights, it will be necessary to verify the identity of the User, so any such communication must include your name and surname, the specific nature of your request, an address for notification purposes, the date, your signature and a photocopy of your ID card or any other valid identification document. The letter may be sent by standard post to C/ Auzolan Nº2 B Bajo, 20303 Irún, Guipuzcoa, Spain or by email to
If you believe that there is a problem with the way in which VALVULAS ZUBI S.L. is processing your data, you can complain to the appropriate data protection authority, which in the case of Spain is the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
Any modifications by yourself to the personal data must be brought to the attention of the Data Controller by the owner of the data.
VALVULAS ZUBI S.L. reserves the right to modify its privacy policy or terms of use for reasons of adaptation to current legislation. The User of this website is advised to periodically review this page, since the use of this website by the User will be understood as acceptance of the privacy policy. We ensure the absolute confidentiality and privacy of the personal data collected. Security measures have been adopted to prevent alteration, loss, unauthorised processing or access. However, VALVULAS ZUBI S.L. will not be responsible for incidents involving personal data if any should arise, or any attack or unauthorised access to systems performed in such a way that it is impossible to detect or prevent it even when taking every measure possible with the state of current technology.